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Choosing the Right Industrial Motor

Views: 3     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-11-19      Origin: Site

Choosing the right industrial motor can be a daunting task. There are many options, each focused on a specific task or process. So how do you know if you're picking the right one, or just wasting your money on something that doesn't work for your business? Below, we'll walk you through the basics of the different types of industrial motors and help ensure you choose the right motor for your company's needs.

AC, DC, or Servo/Stepper

Generally, there are three types of motors - AC motors, DC motors, or servo/stepper motors. The motor you choose depends on your specific industrial application and its individual special requirements. For example, DC motors (whether brushed or brushless) are commonly used in automobiles, while stepper motors are used in process control systems. Each is suitable for different, different tasks.

Motor Load Types

Industrial automation motor load type is the next key aspect to consider when evaluating a company's needs. They can be divided into four categories:

  1. Variable horsepower and constant torque

  2. Variable torque and constant horsepower

  3. Variable horsepower and variable torque

  4. Positional control or torque control

Variable horsepower and constant torque (1) applications include cranes, conveyors, and gear pumps. The torque remains the same because the load has not changed. Since varying degrees of horsepower are required to operate these types of machines, a constant speed AC or DC motor may be considered.

Variable torque and constant horsepower (2) load types are useful for machines where the speed remains constant and the load changes. A prominent example is a machine that rewinds paper. For this type of load, it is important to consider regenerative power when sizing the motor or choosing an energy control method. For larger systems, AC motors with encoders, closed-loop control, and full-quadrant drives may be beneficial, while DC or servo motors may be good applications for smaller systems.

Variable horsepower and torque (3) load types are primarily used in applications such as fans, centrifugal pumps, and agitators. In these applications, horsepower and torque work together. As the motor speed increases, the load output increases, resulting in an increase in required horsepower and torque.

Finally, position or torque control (4) is used for precision applications such as linear actuators. While servo or stepper motors are usually the best choice for these applications, AC motors with encoders or DC motors with feedback can also be used for tight torque control.

Applications Types

The type of application is another important aspect to consider when choosing an industrial engine. The three main applications for industrial motors are constant speed, variable speed, and position (or torque) control. These applications control the operating speed of industrial motors and vary depending on the type of machine. It is important to note that all motor types - AC, DC and Servo/Stepper - can run on any application. Choosing the right type of application is up to the consumer. Does your machine require frequent acceleration and deceleration? Then constant speed apps are not for you, you should look into variable speed apps.

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